Understand the eight major faults of hydraulic bending machine

Release time:2023-02-13

There are many types of bending machine faults. Today we will briefly introduce several, which are also the eight common faults.

1. Each defect of the bending machine shall be classified according to relevant or non-related defects, and relevant defects shall be counted, while non-related defects such as misuse and subordinate defects shall not be counted. However, records shall be made during the experiment.

2 When calculating the characteristic quantity of the bending machine, only the actual defects are considered. However, if the substantive defect causes a subordinate defect, the category of the substantive defect should be determined according to the more severe defect.

3. Any defect that cannot be determined to be a material defect or a subordinate defect shall be counted as a material defect.

4 If the bending machine has multiple functions that cannot be completed or its performance index exceeds the regular boundary, and it cannot be proved that they are caused by the same reason, then each item is judged as a defect of the bending machine. If it is caused by the same reason, only one fault of the bending machine will be judged.

5 If a function of the bending machine cannot be completed or the performance index exceeds the rule value, and it is caused by multiple independent faults, then each independent fault is judged as a fault of the bending machine.

6. Each fault of repeated fault shall be included in the relevant fault.

7 The replacement of parts and components that have reached the regular life limit and the damage that has been used beyond the regular life limit are not included in the number of defects.

8. The fault found in the inspection after the shutdown detection or test is stopped or completed is considered as a short time of shutdown.
